The Latina Menopause Experience

By Maria C. Hunt
For many Latinas, perimenopause comes as a surprise. “Especially the younger patients, like in their early-mid 40s, they don’t think they’re in that stage of life,” says Dr. Rocio Salas-Whalen, a New York physician. This is especially true if they’re still getting regular periods. Others start feeling “not like themselves,” but they can’t put their finger on what has changed.
And despite having high rates of depression and low mood, culturally, there’s a tendency to ignore menopause symptoms, she says. “There’s fewer people seeking mental health help because of the Latin culture of sucking it up,” says Salas-Whalen, who is originally from Mexico. “Don’t complain; you have food and a roof over your head. That should be enough.” Though the launch of Kala, the first Spanish language menopause app (available on iOS and Android) is a positive sign, there’s a need for more sources of accurate, up-to-date information.
Often, due to the lack of menopause-trained clinicians and information, women turn to herbal home remedies(1) like marijuana or maca root. There are many social media menopausia influencers sharing tips on embracing the transition, lifestyle changes and natural supplements to manage symptoms like sofocos, but only a small fraction present terapia de reemplazo hormonal (TRH) as a strategy that offers more health benefits than risks.
However, if Latinas want to thrive, they need to be proactive to head off health risks that come with menopause. Even before perimenopause, many Latinas struggle with metabolic conditions like insulin resistance or prediabetes. Salas-Whalen, who is board certified in obesity medicine, endocrinology and internal medicine, says it's a combination of gaining visceral fat and genetic predisposition.
“They’re at higher risk of type 2 diabetes because of insulin resistance and once we go through perimenopause and menopause, it can get worse.” A 2021 study led by Yamnia Cortés, PhD found that after menopause, Latinas have the highest rate of metabolic syndrome(2). A recent study noted that during the menopause transition, Hispanic women experience gut microbiome changes(3) that put them at higher risk for metabolic health conditions. Latinas also have more hot flashes, which we know is a risk for cardiovascular disease, and more mood changes and depression, according to the same study.
Metabolic conditions also throw off hormone balance, which may explain why many Latinas experience severe hair changes. “With insulin resistance, there’s elevated testosterone,” Salas-Whalen says. “Women start experiencing facial hair on their chin or thinning of hair.”
Three Helpful Tips for Latinas to Treat Menopause Symptoms
For these women, Salas-Whalen says the biggest health goal should be decreasing insulin resistance, making it easier to achieve a healthier weight. She recommends a three-part strategy:
One of the best ways to support your health is by scheduling time for regular movement. Find something you enjoy, and plan for 150 minutes of cardio and at least 3 sessions of resistance training each week. “The earlier we start lifting weights, the better,” says Salas-Whalen.
Protect your metabolic and brain health by cutting back on starches and simple carbohydrates, such as sweet drinks, rice, white potatoes, bread, and wheat flour. One easy way to do this is to make sure half of your plate is filled with dark leafy greens at every meal. Women also need to prioritize protein, getting 30 grams per meal.
Salas-Whalen suggests a combination of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, if you and your doctor decide that’s the right choice for you, along with a GLP-1 drug like Ozempic or Wegovy used under a doctor’s supervision. Estrogen helps reduce visceral fat and metabolic syndrome and the combination can help reduce cravings and bring blood sugar down to normal levels, which make it easier to stick to your eating plan. Over time, this reverses insulin resistance and many of the conditions associated with it.
Since GLP-1’s are a new area of obesity medicine, she recommends asking your doctor about their experience with the drugs and what side effects their patients have experienced. She also recommends having your thyroid checked to make sure there’s not an imbalance that’s causing mood, weight, or hair changes.
“It’s only women who go to an experienced clinician who’s really going to be able to look at the whole picture and see where the symptoms are coming from.”
Here are some Instagram accounts to follow:
- Dr. Rocio Salas-Whalen @drsalaswhalen
- Dra. Carmen Echagüe @carmenechague
- Dr. Sergio Hernández @midoctorfuncional
- Cortés MenoLab @cortesmenolab
- Dr. Santiago Palacios @dr.santiagopalacios
- Dra. Radharani Jiménez @doctorajimenez
- @Neopausia - Menopausia sin Misterios
- Menopausia Positiva
Read: Sexopausia: Guía para el placer en la menopausia by Laura Cámara
Studies to explore:
- Physiologic and psychosocial changes of the menopause transition in US Latinas: A narrative review
- Menopausal symptoms in Hispanic women and the role of socioeconomic factors
- Menopausal symptoms within a Hispanic cohort: SWAN, the Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation
- Menopausal Symptom Experience of Hispanic Midlife Women in the U.S
Author Bio
Maria C. Hunt is a California-based journalist and author specializing in cultural stories around cuisine, beverages, travel, and wellness, particularly menopause and ethnic health disparities.